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to quickly register a new domains.



Create a Register a Domain account
to register and manage your domains.


Want more choice?

Register domain names that describe you.

Selecting a domain name is essential and shouldn't be lightly taken because it will decide how customers and search engines perceive you.

Turn your Gmail into something more professional

Google has a feature where you can use your domain with Gmail for free.

When purchasing your domain name through us, you will be able to link it up to your Gmail account turning your_business@gmail.com to info@yourbusiness.com.au

Click here to find out more

Domain Prices



Per Year

Minimum Registration Period of 1 year.




Per Year

Minimum Registration Period of 1 year.




Per Year

Minimum Registration Period of 1 year.




Per Year

Minimum Registration Period of 1 year.




Per Year

Minimum Registration Period of 1 year.




Per Year

Minimum Registration Period of 1 year.


Register a Domain makes it easy to search, register or transfer a domain names.

Register a Domain © 2021 ABN 53 082 858 435

166 Burwood Road Suite 524 Hawthorn VIC 3122